Do You Need New Glasses? – Signs to Keep an Eye Out For

Eyeglasses Pro is helping eyeglass wearers find the perfect match for years now. One reason we have kept our prices low is that we want our customers to change their prescription glasses as frequently as they want. Yet, we understand that some people tend to get too attached to the frame they really like. While it is a good thing, it is not an excuse to delay your eye exam.  Whether or not you want a new eyeglasses frame, you should know when you need new lenses.

Not wearing the right powered lenses for too long can have many side effects. You will not be able to perform daily activities properly and the vision will degrade faster than it should. So, how do you save yourself from all the trouble?

Simple – look for these signs and symptoms and get yourself a new pair of discounted eyeglasses online.

Blurred Vision

Blurred vision can refer to a sudden and occasional blur of vision and loss of focus. That can happen to one or both eyes. It can be due to a drastic change of your vision or it could also indicate a bigger issue, such as a cataract. In any case, this calls for immediate consultation from your ophthalmologist.

Sudden Flashes

Just like sudden blurs, some people experience sudden flashes or floaters in front of their eyes. This is the kind of phenomenon that occurs when you look at a bright light or flashes. However, if it happens for no reason or in the presence of a light that isn’t that bright, it could indicate a change of vision or severe problems related to the retina.

Double Vision

Double vision is different from blurring and it often happens in cases when both the eyes have a difference in vision. If that difference increases, the double vision becomes frequent or even a constant issue. Ophthalmologists know exactly how to balance the difference in prescribing the right type of lenses.  Do see one immediately.

Loss of Clarity

Try to keep a tab on how clear your vision was when you started using your current glasses, and see if things aren’t that clear anymore. If you are unable to read distant objects such as billboards, or close objects such as text in books, from the distance you are used to, it definitely means a change in vision.

Eye Strain

If your eyes start to feel strained or fatigued all the time, and you feel much better without your glasses on, you should see an ophthalmologist as soon as you are possible. It is one of the clearest indications of a changing vision.


Typically, people fail to associate their constant headache to one of the most common reasons i.e. Changed eye vision. It is one of the earliest signs, especially if you are not already wearing any kind of vision correcting eyeglasses. Parents should be especially vigilant in case of kids complaining about recurring headaches.


People who cannot see clearly tend to squint a lot. Squint is a natural way to improve focus and clarity, but it actually does more harm in the long term. By squinting, you are putting the excessive strain of the eye, making your problem even worse. If you find yourself squinting a lot while reading or watching TV, you definitely need new lenses.

With changed power comes new glasses, and with our ever-expanding collection, you can actually find a frame even better than you’re currently loved one. Don’t forget to check out the types of lenses we offer in our online store.

FAQs – Do You Need New Glasses?

How do I know if my glasses need changing?

There are many signs to watch out for that may suggest that you need new glasses. Headaches, eye strain, and vision problems are all possible indicators that you need a new prescription. If you are experiencing any vision issues, make an appointment with an eye care provider to confirm the root cause of your discomfort.

How long does it take for your eyes to adjust to new eyeglasses?

Adjustment times may vary from person to person. Some people may need as little as a day or as much as several weeks to feel comfortable in a new pair of prescription glasses. Many frames have adjustable features (nose pads, arms) that can help you feel more comfortable. If you are experiencing extreme or ongoing discomfort from a new prescription, check in with your eye care professional for advice.

Can I wear my old glasses?

Wearing old glasses may not be recommended if the prescription is outdated or if the frames do not fit your face properly. If you need new glasses, check out the selection of frames at Eyeglasses Pro and find a new style that you will love. New prescription lenses and new frames will help you look and feel comfortable while enjoying the benefits of clear vision.

Do I need a new prescription to order a new pair of glasses?

If your prescription is out of date or if you have had changes in your vision since your last eye exam, you may need a new prescription. Check-in with your eye healthcare provider to determine whether you need an updated exam and prescription or if your current prescription is still valid.

How do I know if my headache is because I need new glasses?

While headaches may be one of the signs you need glasses, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause without first consulting with a doctor or an eye care provider. If it is determined that you do need a new pair of glasses, check out the product catalog at Eyeglasses Pro to find a new pair of frames for your new prescription lenses.